/Related to educational activities/

Visuelse Construction Ltd (hereafter referred to as “the Provider”) is not an educational institution, but a professional platform that incubates a professional community open to the application of modern technology in construction practice. This professional platform organises short courses that focus on the following modules of practical training in the construction workflow:

Course syllabus:


Point cloud based data mining and data processing


– Lecture 6×45 min.

– Computational exercises 8×45 min

Course leader:

                    name: Dr. Tamás Lovas

                    title: associate professor

Recommended prior studies:

– Basic knowledge of civil/architectural/mechanical engineering

– Overview of construction work processes in civil engineering

– Overview of geodetic survey procedures


– The course provides an overview of geodetic, photogrammetric and laser scanning technologies and trends. In the lectures, students will learn about the construction, technological characteristics, end products and typical applications of widely used near-photogrammetric, drone photogrammetric sensors and ground laser scanners.

– Students who complete the course will be able to select the appropriate tools for a given construction survey task, define and schedule the necessary workflows, and determine their resource requirements. During the practical sessions, students will perform measurements under the supervision of the instructor and then perform matching and classification tasks on the surveyed ground laser scanned point clouds in a computer-based laboratory exercise, at the end of which they will be able to prepare point clouds for processing in a BIM environment.

Competences to be acquired on successful completion of the course:

A. Knowledge

1. It provides an overview of the architecture and technological characteristics of point cloud-based data acquisition sensors.

2. Have an overview of the design and technological characteristics of ground-based laser scanners.

3. has an overview of the main applications of ground laser scanning.

4. Understands the basic technical parameters of ground laser scanning.

5. is familiar with the tasks required by ground laser scanning, in particular geodetic workflows.

Knowledge of basic point cloud pre-processing methods; point cloud merging, georeferencing, resampling.

7. Understands the resource requirements of the data processing methods studied.

B. Ability

1. Ability to design an effective laser scanning based survey on site.

2. Ability to select the appropriate data acquisition technology and data processing workflow for the given site survey task.

3. Ability to pre-process raw laser scanned data sets; point cloud merging, georeferencing, resampling.

4. Can describe orally, and in writing the main topics of point cloud data acquisition and point cloud pre-processing in a concise and correct way using the correct terminology.

C. Attitude

1. Strive to select and implement accurate and efficient ground laser scanning pre-processing workflows

D. Autonomy, responsibility

1. Independently performs tasks assigned as class work.

2. In the case of instructor criticism of his/her work, accepts well-founded critical comments and incorporates them into his/her further performance of the assignment.

Teaching methodology:

Lectures and computer laboratory exercises. Performance assessment through online exercises.

Detailed course programme:

Day 1 – Point cloud based data mining

  • Geodetic basics – instruments, technologies, base networks, engineering geodesy tasks, coordinate systems, projection systems
  • laser scanning basics – point cloud and its properties, laser scanner operating principles, technological limitations
  • types of laser scanners, technical specifications, choice of instruments to meet requirements
  • potential for error in point cloud generation – prevention, post-processing elimination
  • measurement with laser scanners – positioning of positions, instrument settings, target types and their placement, geodetic support
  • instrument demonstration – sample measurement, raw point cloud visualisation
  • point cloud pre-processing – file merging, point cloud cleaning, resampling, georeferencing, data fusion
  • point cloud post-processing, modelling – geometric element fitting, 3D modelling, accuracy checking
  • scan-to-BIM – construction monitoring and quality control with point clouds, production of BIM models
  • other point cloud technologies – image-based data capture, mobile laser scanning, robots, object scanning

Day 2 – Point cloud processing

  • Carry out a survey based on what you have learned in theory, 10 points
  • Raw measurement files and their scanning
  • Carry out position matching based on switch/drift points.
  • Matching of position points in the absence of interfaces, showing the steps of cloud to cloud registration.
  • Verification and inspection of the registrations performed, using numerical and visual procedures.
  • Recording of a local system in the background

Converting the files to a suitable format for modelling, area delimitation, filtering, resampling, conversion

Learning support materials:

1. Lovas – Berényi – Barsi: Laser scanning, Terc Publishing, 2012.

2. Visuelse site management and construction monitoring course aids.

Consultation Facilities:

By e-mail: education@visuelse .com and by contacting the Visuelse course coordinator.

Monitoring and evaluation of learning performance:

The theoretical knowledge is monitored and assessed by completing an online test.

To check and evaluate the practical knowledge, students will complete a homework assignment on a sample test paper.

Before the assessments, the trainers will provide online consultation on request.

2nd module:

Building Information Modelling


– lecture 4×45 min

– Field instrumentation 6×45 min

Course Supervisor:

                    name: Gabriella Szőke

                    Position: civil engineer, BIM modeller, Trimble Inc.      

Recommended prior studies:

– Basic civil/architectural/mechanical engineering knowledge

– Overview of the construction workflow in civil engineering

– Overview of geodetic survey procedures


– The course provides an overview of the building information modelling process. Students will be introduced to the steps involved in placing elevation axes in the model, and will gain insight into the preparation of the background model, quantitative reports, analyses and related plans.

– Students will be able to identify and schedule the workflows and resource requirements for a given modelling task. In the computer lab exercises, students will process the georeferenced point cloud from the previous module using BIM software to adopt the reference axes into the model, and will also learn how to create the background model, analyses, reference and production plans with the help of the trainer.

Competences to be acquired on successful completion of the course:

A. Knowledge


2. Has an overview of the steps to create a BIM model.

3. Has an overview of quantitative statements, analyses and production planning in BIM software.

4. Understands the content requirements of the targeting plans

5. Understands the resource requirements of the data processing methods studied

B. Ability to

1. Prepare setting processes in a BIM environment.

2. Ability to create alignment axes in Revit based on the coordinate data received.

3. Ability to select the appropriate workflow for the modelling task.

4. Can describe the main applications of the BIM model for construction workflows in a concise manner, using the correct terminology.

5. Ability to create 2D working drawings from the available 3D model.

C. Attitude

1. Strive to select and implement accurate and efficient BIM model pre-processing workflows

D. Autonomy, responsibility

1. Independently completes tasks assigned as class work.

3. In the case of instructor critiques of his/her work, accepts well-founded critical comments and incorporates them into his/her further performance of the assignment.

Teaching methodology:

Lectures and field exercises. Performance assessment through online exercises.

Detailed course programme:

Day 1 – Building a background model from a processed point cloud

  • General objectives – application areas, benefits of BIM model
  • background model creation – content and feature representation requirements
  • quantitative calculations – producing statements using the model
  • reconciliation during the workflow – content requirements, methods of communication
  • preparation of work plans – demonstration of the usefulness of plans
  • adjustment of background model based on site surveys – coordinate systems used, control points
  • Tender model fitting, extension – content requirements
  • analyses – importance of floor analysis, steps
  • failure analysis – RFI concept, failure analysis methods
  • technical discussions – necessary cases, process of discussions

Day 2 – Adoption of excavation plans into the model, preparation of further plans

  • Import CSV file into Trimble Business Center for point labeling
  • Importing captions into Revit.
  • Exporting axial lines from Revit.
  • Create and export reference points.
  • Create plan views.
  • Creating inter-working 2D plans
  • Definition of alignment axes
  • Creation of alignment and fabrication drawings
  • Store Design model content and importance
  • Content requirements for final design drawings

Learning support materials:

Visuelse site management and construction monitoring course aids

Consultation opportunities:

By e-mail: education@visuelse .com and by arrangement with the Visuelse course coordinator.

Monitoring and evaluation of learning performance:

The theoretical knowledge is monitored and assessed by completing an online test.

To check and assess the practical knowledge, students will complete a homework assignment on a sample test paper.

Prior to the assessment, the trainers will provide online consultation on request.

3rd module:

On-site marking


– lecture 1×45 min

– Field instrumentation 2×45 min

Course leader:

                    name: János Albert

                    title: Technical Director Visuelse Construction

Recommended prior studies:

– Basic knowledge of civil/architectural/mechanical engineering

– Overview of the construction workflow in the construction industry

– Overview of geodetic survey procedures


– The course provides an overview of construction site surveying technologies and trends. In the lectures, students will learn about the construction, technological characteristics and typical applications of widely used layout instruments. They will also learn about the field layout design and the collaboration and preparation processes with the “BIM team”.

– Students who have completed the course will be able to select the appropriate tools, define and schedule the necessary workflows and resource requirements for a given design layout task. In the course of the practicals, students will plan layout processes and carry out field layout under the supervision of the trainer.

Teaching methodology:

Lectures and field exercises. Performance assessment through online exercises.

Detailed course programme:

Day 1 – Marking, methods, techniques

Objective of marking on site

  • Methods and techniques of marking out – Marking out land, building and structures, Marking out structures within a building, Partitions, Partitions, Ceilings, Ceilings overhangs, Ceiling overhangs, etc. – Traditional and instrumental techniques
  • Layout instruments – instruments in the world, principles of operation, instruments used for teaching
  • Relationship between model and layout plan – Overview of the process by which data is received in the field.
  • Reference points – their role in the plotting plan and in the field. Marking requirements.
  • Marking accuracy – Site global and local accuracy
  • Process of Marking – Visual inspection of the site, locating and checking base points, checking structural changes, marking axes using and checking base points, preserving marked points and/or lines, planning and logic of marking direction of travel, tools required.
  • Field conditions for setting out – minimum requirements for the site for the work.

Day 2 – Marking exercise

  • Office environment; inspection and preparation
  • Planning of placement – review of tender plans, definition of placement plans, thematic and sequence
  • Verification of angling plans – formats, content and instrumental applicability
  • Tools – preparation of tools in the knowledge of the site
  • Field environment; Setting out
  • Instrument – unpacking, accessories, assembly, installation.
  • Control panel (tablet) – software overview, scanning of targeting plan, overview of functions
  • Basepoints (reference points) – locate and identify
  • Verification – registration to base points, verification process
  • Setting base axes – setting axis intersection points, precipitation
  • Registration – for base points, axes
  • Setting of structures – setting of points
  • Preservation of marked points – priming

Learning support materials:

Visuelse site management and construction monitoring course aids

Consultation opportunities:

By e-mail: education@visuelse .com and by arrangement with the Visuelse course coordinator.

Monitoring and evaluation of learning performance:

The theoretical knowledge is monitored and assessed by completing an online test.

To check and assess the practical knowledge, students will complete a homework assignment on a sample test paper.

Before the assessments, the trainers will provide online consultation on request.

Payment terms

By paying the full cost of the course, the applicant’s place will be changed from “participant” to “enquirer” status.

Candidates who pay as individuals may pay the full course fee in 3 equal instalments no later than 2 weeks before the start of the module.

On completion of a fee-paying course, the user will receive a certificate of successful completion. Please note that our provider is not an accredited educational institution and as a result the certificates cannot be used for formal accreditation.

By registering for a course, the user acknowledges that by starting to transfer the fee for a fee-paying course, he/she authorises the provider to charge his/her debit or credit card up to the amount of the course fee or to make the payment via other payment methods (e.g. Billingo, PayPal, SimplePay, etc.). The provider and its payment system partners will work together to offer the most convenient payment methods to the user, while maintaining security.

The User is obliged to pay the course fee at the latest one day before the start date of the course.

Provisions concerning the use of the website

The use of this website provides access to course instructors, the possibility to register for courses and the possibility for participants to view tutorials supporting the courses (hereinafter referred to as “Tutorials”).

No person under the age of 16 is eligible to use our Services.

The language of the contract is ENGLISH.

Terms used in the contract:

– Civil Code: Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code;

– Service Provider: Visuelse Construction Ltd.;

– user: the natural or legal person who has ordered the service from Visuelse Construction Kft. as the service provider;

– biller: the user or the person liable to pay the fees, if different from the user;

Service provider’s details

– Name of the service provider: Visuelse Construction Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság,

Registered office: 2040 Budaörs, Szabadság út 368/D.,

Company registration number: 02 09 082902,

Registration authority: Pest County General Court Commercial Court,

Tax number: 25895748213,

Bank EUR account: Raiffeisen HU14-12010154-01793977-00200009


Phone: +36 185 086 93,


Website of the provider: https://

Operator of the website of the service provider: Visuelse Construction Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

General provisions

– All on- and offline content (hereinafter “Content”) on the website and provided to course participants during the courses is the property of the Service Provider, Visuelse Construction Ltd. and is the intellectual property of the presenter of the respective training module. Therefore, the provision of the educational material in any form to a 3rd party will entail legal consequences. Exceptions to this rule are content and teaching aids which have been made available by the instructors in the public domain in the past.

– “Content” means works, objects, texts, lectures, speeches, computer programs, applications and software applications, as well as audio and visual works (video tutorials, infographics, sound recordings, images, trademarks, trade names, logos, hyperlinks, including parts thereof, information and any other object or material published on our website), all of which are within the scope of intellectual activity.

– The content of the website (data content, structure and presentation) is protected by copyright. By using the website, you agree not to record, modify, edit, copy, adapt, reproduce, distribute, share or use the content of the website for any purpose.

– You may access the content offered by the service provider for personal use only, without infringing the copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties, provided that you use and access these services only in good faith and in compliance with the law and these GTC.

– Subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, you are granted a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right to access the course you have ordered and paid for (after enrolment in the case of a free course), provided that you are not entitled to download or copy the course material or the content of the website.

– Some of our services allow you to ask questions to the course lecturers, share your views on the course. In the case of “homework” required by the lecturers, please avoid receiving content written by another person(s). You are fully responsible for the content submitted on our website or during the tutorials (in Google Classroom).

– As part of our service, you have the opportunity to post your comments and upload your work and other content to course groups on social media (e.g. Facebook) for comments and discussion. We reserve the right to remove any content you share for any reason, including any content that we believe is in breach of these TOS without liability to you or any third party.

Provisions on the way the service is used

– Registration on the website does not guarantee enrolment and participation in the course.

1. Notification of the latest course updates.

2. By registering, you give your consent to the collection, use, storage and other processing of your personal data by us for the purpose of providing you with access to the courses and related activities for which you register.

– Upon payment of the full cost of the course, you will become a “participant”.

– Applicants who pay as individuals may pay the full cost of the course in 3 equal instalments no later than 2 weeks before the start of the module.

– On completion of a fee-paying course, the user will receive a certificate of successful completion. Please note that our provider is not an accredited educational institution and as a result the certificates cannot be used for formal accreditation.

– To start the course, you must have at least. The course starts with a minimum of 15 participants.

– Please note that applicants are fully responsible for filling in personal, company, billing and attendance details provided during the application process.

– Please note that participants must ensure that they or the companies sending them have access to the following software: 1.) Archiecad, 2.) Revit

– Please note that you will need to provide your own portable laptop or tablet to run the software in the previous section.

– Please note that we will keep an attendance sheet at the courses, which will be shared with the participants’ employers at the end of the course if requested.

– Please note that the conditions of enrolment for the course must take account of the following: 

Recommended prior learning:

– Basic knowledge of civil/architectural/mechanical engineering

– Overview of civil engineering construction workflows

– Overview of geodetic survey procedures

Software usage requirements:

– Basic BIM skills

– Basic REVIT

– Level survey on the website:

– Please note that course participants must be in good health to attend the course. In case a participant has to miss a training day due to health reasons, the Service Provider will provide an online replacement for the missed session or a replacement with another course participant.

– Course participants are reminded that attendance on the course is conditional upon the student’s completion of previous modules, which are required in the form of tutorial assignments during the course. A certificate of completion will only be awarded to students who have completed 90% of the assignments submitted.

Apply for a course

– The Service Provider is entitled to advertise courses and present the course material to users on the basis of agreements with the lecturers.

– Participants can communicate with each other in the Google Classroom set up for the course and can send messages to the instructors if they encounter difficulties in completing the homework assignment.

– The right to view the course does not give the user the right to resell the course (including sharing account information or illegally recording the course, downloading course materials or sharing of any kind). Legally, this means that we grant you a limited, i.e. non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to access and view the courses and related content for which you have paid a participation fee, through our website, for personal use only. Any other use of the course material is prohibited. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, sell, sell, broadcast, rent, share, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works from, or create derivative works based on the course material or any part thereof.

– The provider grants participants a 1-year provision to complete the course if the participant is forced to interrupt the course due to a medically certified illness.

– If the Provider, or any instructor, becomes aware that a participant is interested in recording the course or submitting it to a 3rd party, the Provider has the right to immediately require the participant to leave the course immediately and block the participant’s access to all educational materials without further explanation.

– The Service Provider can only provide part of the educational materials of the course by means of face-to-face instruction, which the participant is not allowed to record. Participants acknowledge this by accepting the GTC.

– In the event of any uncertainty on the part of the participants regarding the field or instrumental tasks of the face-to-face training, they are obliged to inform the instructor and the Service Provider before the end of the relevant module of the course. The Service Provider reserves the right to provide participants with an opportunity to remedy the problem in the form of an attendance or tutorial. In all cases, it is at the discretion of the instructor to determine the quality of assistance (in attendance or online) to help those participants who have indicated uncertainty about the material submitted, based on the proportion of course participants who have indicated uncertainty about the material submitted.

– The Provider undertakes to make every effort to provide the highest quality of instruction to course participants, but accepts no responsibility for the preparation of course participants from module to module. Thus, by accepting the T&C, course participants undertake to arrive at the training days prepared and to make every effort to maximise the instructor’s knowledge at the training venue.

Provisions relating to course instructors

– The Service Provider reserves the right to reschedule, modify or cancel any advertised course under the conditions set out in these T&Cs.

– The Provider reserves the right to change the course instructors from those advertised in the event of other commitments or illness of the instructors.

– The Service Provider reserves the right to hold the module online if it is unable to provide an instructor in attendance for the course and cannot replace the instructor with another instructor, or for other reasons such as COVID closures.

– In all cases, the provider is obliged to notify the participants in writing of any changes.

Provisions concerning cancellation of a course

– In the event of cancellation of the course by the User, the Service Provider undertakes to refund the fee paid to the User within 10 working days of cancellation to the bank account provided by the User. In this case, it is necessary for the user to indicate the bank account number to which the refund is to be made immediately upon receipt of the cancellation notice. For other questions, please contact the Service Provider at

– You are entitled to request a refund of the course fee if you are not satisfied with the content of the course you have paid for. The User may exercise this right by submitting a detailed written justification no later than the 3rd (third) lecture of the course. In this case, the refund will be made within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the written notification to the bank account number provided by the participant requesting the refund.

– Beyond the above, the provider is not able to refund the course participation fee

– In the unforeseen event that the user’s personal account or access to the course is blocked by the provider as a result of a breach of contract or violation of the law by the user, the user will not be entitled to a refund.

Provisions concerning course participants

– Participant undertakes to:

1.) attend lectures and field exercises in good mental and physical condition.

2.) to attend lectures and field exercises in good physical and mental health and physical condition.

3.) does not interfere with the lecture, the instructor’s instruction, and adheres to the basic rules of the instructional “schedule” as presented by the instructor at the first session.

4.) refrain from any unlawful, harmful, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable content or expression during the instruction

5.) does not collect data on participants

6.) shall compensate the provider for any damage caused to the provider by the violation of these GTC.

Provisions relating to intellectual property rights

– Participants are obliged to respect the intellectual property rights of Visuelse Construction Ltd. and the course’s contracted lecturers.

– For the purposes of these GTC, “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean in particular: copyrights, trademarks, service marks, design patents, patents, utility model patents or other similar inventions, the legal protection of software developed in-house and owned by Visuelse Construction, trade secrets and all other intangible property.

– In the case of participation in a course advertised by the Provider (subscription in the case of free courses), the Provider grants the User a non-exclusive and revocable license to access the Services, which entitles the User to participate in the course in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, but does not entitle the User to purchase the software comprising the course or the course content.

– Participant may not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

– These Terms and Conditions stipulate that the Service Provider may use the visual content, i.e. both photographic and video content, produced by the Service Provider during the course, in which the Participants are included, for marketing purposes without the Participants’ express written consent.

– The use of trademarks and logos displayed on the Provider’s website is only possible with the prior written consent of the Provider, and the use and distribution of visual material (including images, text, page layout or form) on the website is only possible with the prior written consent of the Provider.

– Participants guarantee that no visual, i.e. photographic or video content will be recorded during the course. They acknowledge that such content may only be created by the Provider, i.e. Visuelse Construction Ltd.

– Participants warrant that they are making a good faith statement about the course, any comments they may have about the course will be communicated to the course provider, i.e. Visuelse Construction Ltd. in formal written form to In addition, for quality assurance reasons, they guarantee to provide an evaluation on the Satisfaction Questionnaire, which will be compiled and sent by email at the end of the course by the Provider.

– Participant acknowledges that he/she will be liable to pay compensation for any damage caused by breach of the above.

Liability provisions

– The Participant acknowledges that the Service Provider reserves the right to modify its services (or any part thereof) temporarily or permanently, with simultaneous notification to the User, as provided for in these GTC, without any liability.

– The Service Provider shall be exempted from liability if it is unable to fulfil its service obligations for the following excusable reasons: if the Service Provider’s technical equipment is unable to ensure the smooth running of the training due to a malfunction or is only able to do so to a limited extent, or if the measuring equipment required for the training cannot be switched on for the duration of the training for an external, unavoidable reason. In such cases, the service provider may offer an alternative time for the course to be held, which shall be jointly announced with the instructor concerned and the participants shall be informed in writing of the new time.

Rights and obligations of the contracting parties

– The contracting parties shall exercise their rights in good faith in accordance with the Civil Code.

– The contracting parties shall cooperate with each other in their contractual relationship. To this end, they shall inform each other without delay of facts, circumstances and changes relevant to the service.

– The parties are obliged to provide each other with all data and information necessary for the contractual performance of the service.

– The participant shall be entitled to prohibit the service provider from making his data necessary for the conclusion of the contract and the performance of the service available to any person, either free of charge or for remuneration. The participant shall have the right to require the service provider to treat the data which he has received in strict confidence, without prejudice to the rights of the individual.

– The participant shall have the right to access his/her data, documents, records and copies of invoices held by the service provider, on the basis of a prior written request.

– The service provider shall be entitled to keep records of the participants’ data communicated in the contract.

– The service provider shall treat the facts and information obtained in the course of the service as business secrets and confidential and shall not disclose them to unauthorised third parties. An exception to this is the mandatory disclosure of information to legally authorised bodies.

Rights and obligations of contracting parties

– The legal relationship between the parties shall be governed by Hungarian law.

– If a participant has any objections regarding the content or quality of the service, he/she shall notify the service provider thereof, primarily in writing. Subsequently, the service provider will propose a 3-page face-to-face meeting between the instructor, the service provider and the notifier. Should this not be successful, the contracting parties may refer the matter to the competent court in order to settle any disputes.

The current version of these GTC, the Privacy Policy, the Privacy Notice and the Consent Form are available on the provider’s website.

Effective: from 1 January 2023 until revoked

Visuelse Construction Ltd.

Budaörs, 16.11.2022.